What results are to be expected at the upcoming European elections?

My latest analyis is available on the c4EP website. It covers the delicate issue of the results to be expected at the upcoming elections of the European Parliament.

I am not a big fan of predictions: however, some trends are clearly visible and may be well worth to take an early look on them. What can go wrong? In the worst case, my not-too-optimistic thoughts will prove to be wrong. The more, the better, if You want my opinion… 😉

“European Elections through Young Eyes” – C4EP event yesterday in Brussels

Even though we had a rocky start with our first C4EP event this fall – I managed to catch a bad cold, while I was assigned to be the moderator of the event, one of our speakers indicated that he might be late because of work, and another one cancelling just before the event because of urgent obligations related to the upcoming EU Summit – we are pleased with how our „European Elections through Young Eyes” event turned out.

We have addressed many topics from the participation of youth in the elections through the Spitzenkandidaten process, even to the „F” word, dreaded all around the EU bubble of Brussels (in this case: the federalisation of the European Union).

It was great to cooperate with our invited speakers, Krisztina and Ivan from the European Parliament, but also our audience for being with us yesterday and staying with us after the event for a cool chat with some wine. We hope that You will join us in our next events, too! Additionally, we are grateful to Press Club Brussels to make sure that everything was working without an itch. We will be back!

Our guests and the C4EP Brussels team: Ivett Letenovics (C4EP), Rubina Vieira de Góis (C4EP), Krisztina Hegedűs (European Parliament, S&D Group), Ivan Botoucharov (European Parliament, EPP Group), Laura Leger (C4EP), Tamás Lattmann (C4EP)

A detailed report on the event will follow on the C4EP website, until then You can find some more photos on its Instagram and Facebook profiles!